Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Early September FLOOD!

Wow we survived, and my northern lodge (Boundary) made it through the biggest high water event in recent history without any damage or lost equipment!

With the combination of Spey Lodge, Boundary Lodge and my remote rivers program my business plan is simply " Make the best water available each day to every guest, period". This approach has served my business well and many guests have benefited from all the many options we have available. WELL this past high water event challenged my business plan to the fullest. In-fact for two days all we had was a small Channel river and beach fishing on a remote estuary for Coho (Silver) Salmon available for our guests. Luckily the eye of this particular storm was just north of Terrace, closer to Stewart. This completely whipped out the fishing on the Nass, but spared the lower Skeena tributaries and the channel rivers, with only 24-72 hours of unfishable conditions. 

Knee deep in calm clear saltwater, stripping little flies on floating lines past a school of big northern Coho! It's not steelhead but durng a flood it's nice to see bent rods and silver fish.

Beach fishing for Coho in a crystal clear estuary at the height of the storm. 

These two anglers (above and below) have been affectionately named "The Flood Brothers". They had the misfortune of arriving as the storm began. After a good Steelhead landed and one lost on the first day they then proceeded to race to Boundary and back looking for good water, on my recommendation. Boated for hours down Ocean Channels and up swollen tributaries in pursuit of the tug. Finally on their last day they found what they came for, two big bright Steelhead, the lower picture is the anglers biggest fly caught fish ever! Perseverance is an angler's greatest tool at the best of times, but especially during tough conditions.

This past week also had a "down under" theme with a group of four from Australia and a single angler from Australia as well in the lodge. The following pictures are of the five Australians, one of which is still with us today @ Boundary Lodge. 

Heli fishing remote rivers for giant Coho and dry fly Steelhead is a great way to wait for the flood to end. The non fishers that came along for the ride really enjoyed the day as well. The coastal mountain scenery on a clear day combined with whales, bears, eagles and Molly's lunch; who wouldn't have a good time? 

This Australian found himself in Coho heaven during the flood. 

The gentlemen (above and below) from Australia really enjoyed learning how to use a two-handed-rod, and by the end of the week were prepared to put their new skills to the test. Both past with flying colours hooking six Steelhead and landing three on their last day, congratulations boys! 

Walter Faetz 
Spey Lodge Inc.

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