Sunday, 21 August 2011

August Steelhead in Skeena country!!!!

What words could I possible type that could explain the great couple weeks we've had. I think I let the pictures and videos below tell the story.

The Joes!!

Of course all good things come to an end, the Skeena and her lower tributaries experienced a dramatic push of water last night. As a result fishing was poor today and likely tomorrow, but the water is dropping, so we're hopeful the dry fly fishing will return by weeks end. On the horizon is the Boundary Lodge season on the Nass Watershed, starting in early September. Boundary Lodge and the Boundary waters have a special place in my heart, I love that place and I know my guests and staff do as well. We're all looking forward to eight great weeks up north.

I want to leave you with a great quote form Canada's most recognized flyfisher and fly fishing author.

 “ The Steelhead, with the brightness of the sea still on him, is livest of all the river’s life. When you have made your cast for him, you are no longer a careless observer. As you mend your cast and work your fly well down to him through the cold water, your whole mind is with it, picturing its drift, guiding its swing, holding it where you know he will lie. And when the shock of his take jars through you to your forearms and you lift the rod to its bend, you know that in a moment the strength of his leaping body will shatter the water to brilliance, however dark the day”

                 Roderick Haig-Brown 1946

Oh my that says it all!

Walter Faetz
Spey Lodge Inc.

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